25th July 2024
British Airways launches new route safety video British Airways releases its new safety video to keep customers engaged with important safety messaging

May we haveth one’s attention please? British Airways premieres its brand-new safety video, “A British Original Period Drama” inspired by some of Britain’s famous period literature, TV and film and starring more than 40 of the airline's colleagues. 

The airline is refreshing its film to keep customers engaged in the important safety messages being delivered. Knowing the popularity of British dramas in the UK and overseas, the airline chose this genre to resonate with its global audiences. 

The film depicts ladies and lords of the manor, as well as housekeepers and butlers going about their everyday lives in period Britain, before being abruptly interrupted by present-day British Airways colleagues demonstrating the safety briefing.  At one point in the film, a 19th century socialite marvels at a moving picture, more commonly known in the 21st century as a laptop, before being reminded to store personal electronic devices before take-off.  The characters continue to be bewildered by modern day contraptions, and when posed with the question “Is it a winged creature of the air or, perchance, a celestial contrivance navigating the skies?” Ellis Brett, an Apprentice in Aircraft Maintenance, responds with “No, ma'am. That's a British Airways A350.” 

Continuing to ensure colleagues remain at the heart of its campaigns, the film features more than 40 colleagues from across the airline, from pilots and cabin crew to engineers and airport colleagues, who play themselves in the film, as well as period drama characters.  When it came to location, the airline selected grand British country estates, including Hatfield House in Hertfordshire and Englefield House Estate in Berkshire to shoot the video.  

You can watch the video here