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Former BA Staff
Liaison Council
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Former Staff Liaison Council
Representing Pensioners and Former Staff to BA
Former BA Staff
Liaison Council
Former Staff Liaison Council
The Former Staff Liaison Council (FSLC) was set up more than 30 years ago as the group that BA formally consults with on all matters affecting BA pensioners and former employees
BA has committed to listen and respond to the Council’s views and the Council has the right to raise any issue of concern it has with BA
The FSLC works alongside BATUC on matters that concern both current and retired employees. It has a formal constitution agreed with BA and has up to 12 volunteer members from different parts of BA with a wide variety of experiences, skills and knowledge of the airline. The list of current members is below
More information is available from:
Former Staff Liaison Council : Members and Selection
Christopher Hodgkinson (Chair), Nigel Carey (Vice-Chair), Frans de Graaf, Robert James, David Larkin, Mickey Stewart, Sharad Mistry, Chris Walker and Sigrid Mapp (co-opted)
The members of the Council bring with them a wide range of experiences, backgrounds and knowledge. We have members who have retired from flying, engineering, finance, marketing, commercial, ground services, corporate HR and purchasing. A few were managers and some have worked overseas
Half of the Council have been staff representatives, some long standing and with senior TU roles. The group act collectively for and on behalf of all retired employees
New recruitment is by a selection process which permits the best candidate(s) to be selected
Any former staff who wishes to volunteer to join the council may do so at any time during the year. Your main motivation should be that you wish to help your former colleagues
An application form may be obtained from Liaison.1.council@ba.com and requires two fellow former staff to propose and second
Liaison Council : Section 2
Liaison Council : Section 2 Body